Man is a food-dependent creature. If you don't feed him, he will die. If you feed him improperly, part of him will die.
                                                    Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D.

Organic Pesticide Ingredients
Organic foods are not necessarily pesticide-free. Organic foods are produced using only certain pesticides with specific ingredients. Organic pesticides tend to have natural substances like soaps, lime sulfur and hydrogen peroxide as ingredients. Not all natural substances are allowed in organic agriculture; some chemicals like arsenic, strychnine and tobacco dust (nicotine sulfate) are prohibited.

National Pesticide Informational Center


Find out what's on your food at:

Pesticides (toxins) have been known to cause lymphoma, leukemia, breast cancer, asthma, and other immune system disorders.Allergic effects are harmful effects that some but not all people develop in reaction to substances. (toxins)

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) that contaminate ground and water may accumulate in the tissues of animals and be passed up the food chain, leading to human exposure. Some POPs have recently been associated with the prevalence of diabetes in a serum concentration-dependent manner [6]. The triazine herbicide, atrazine (ATZ, 2-chloro-4-ethylamine-6-isopropylamino-S​-triazine),has been extensively used in the USA since the early 1960s, a time frame that corresponds to the beginning of the present obesity epidemic.

              "Although insecticide use in the U.S. increased more than tenfold since 1945 to date,
                          crop losses to insects have nearly doubled during this period."
                                    - David Pimintell, Ph.D., Cornell University

A Little Milk with Your Antibiotics and Hormones?



Court Orders FDA to Address Antibiotic Overuse ((it certainly takes time doesn't it:/))

NEW YORK, N.Y. (March 23, 2012) The Food and Drug Administration must act to address the growing human health threats resulting from the overuse of antibiotics in animal feed, according to a federal court ruling issued last night. The decision stems from a lawsuit filed by the Natural Resources Defense Council, Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT), Public Citizen, and Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) last year.

“For over 35 years ago, FDA has sat idly on the sidelines largely letting the livestock industry police itself,” said Avinash Kar, NRDC health attorney.  “In that time, the overuse of antibiotics in healthy animals has skyrocketed – contributing to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that endanger human health. Today, we take a long overdue step toward ensuring that we preserve these life-saving medicines for those who need them most – people.

“These drugs are intended to cure disease, not fatten pigs and chickens,” Kar said.

In 1977, FDA concluded that feeding animals low doses of certain antibiotics used in human medicine, namely, penicillin and tetracyclines, could promote antibiotic-resistant bacteria capable of infecting people. Despite this conclusion and laws requiring that the agency move on its findings, FDA failed to take action on penicillin and tetracyclines to protect human health for the last 35 years.

The court decision noted, “In the intervening years, the scientific evidence of the risks to human health from the widespread use of antibiotics in livestock has grown.”


Medicine doesn't get to the root of the trouble. It only conceals it. The result is a more highly poisoned condition which may become chronic disease. All drugs are harmful to the system. They are contrary to nature. . . . Mark my words. There is no way to health except the natural way.
"M," to James Bond 007, in Ian Fleming’s Thunderball.
It is a matter of common knowledge that any processing that foods undergo serves to make them more harmful than unprocessed foods.
McDonald's Corporation legal statement, shown in the documentary Supersize Me




6 Blockbuster Drugs to Avoid

..six types of drugs that are "marketed for perpetuity," meaning they're intended to be taken for life. Sadly most of these drugs come with potential side effects that can be far worse than your original symptom, and few of them have been definitively proven to actually provide any significant health benefits. In fact, some of these drugs have been found to worsen the very condition they're meant to treat (such as antidepressants, statins, proton pump inhibitors, and asthma-control meds), and/or cause other serious diseases. For more information, please follow the hyperlinks provided:

ADHD Drugs and Drugs for Pediatric Psychopathologies, such as "pediatric bipolar disorder"


Hormone Replacement Therapy Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) Asthma-Control Medicines

"If we doctors threw all our medicines into the sea, it would be that much better for our patients and that much worse for the fishes."  Oliver Wendell Holmes, M.D.         


                                                                  "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" 

The link below and those on the right are all sites I've found where you can find a lot of practical and helpful information to know about vitamins and supplements, what foods to eat for certain ailments,  and other very helpful information.  Check out Rustic Healthy-What's New also, for other ideas and references.

The U.S. government has spent billions(?) trying to find a cure for heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.
Disease is easier to PREVENT than it is to cure.
Eat 7-13 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.
Almost no one does.

Whole Food Supplement Guide 

Be sure to consult with your doctor, healthcare or holistic professional first as vitamins and supplements may affect any medication taken.


                                       Grass Fed (Happy) Cows

                    Free Range (Happy) Chickens

                    " Let (organic) Food be thy (good) Medicine!... "

     Organic Farming Can Feed the World

(NaturalNews) A popular myth purports that organic farming is inadequate to feed the growing populations of the world, and that cultivating so-called high yield conventional and genetically-modified (GM) crops is a necessary solution. But data compiled by the Rodale Institute's Farming Systems Trial (FST) shows that quite the opposite is true -- in every single category, organic farming systems proved to be far more viable and sustainable than any conventional or BM system.

Far Few Chemicals Needed in Farming

"Although insecticide use in the U.S. increased more than tenfold since 1945 to date,
crop losses to insects have nearly doubled during this period."
- David Pimintell, Ph.D., Cornell University


 14 of the 'safe list'

Onions,  Pineapples, Avocados,Asparagus     
Sweet Peas, Mangoes, Eggplant, Cantaloupe, Kiwi
Cabbage,Watermelon!,Sweet Potatoes,Grapefruit,Mushrooms



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