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Without health there is no happiness. An attention to health, then, should take the place of every other object.
                    Thomas Jefferson, 1787 (b. 1743 - 1826)


About the Author 

Born in New York,  I  moved down to beautiful Virginia with my 2 sons in 2007.  For many years I believed in a natural lifestyle, as much as I could in a New York City environment:), however found what I thought was 'natural' really wasn't. Going Organic,  and learning so much more to Getting Healthy, I decided to put what I've learned down here.  Basically I've been my own 'guinea pig', (see my comment also Whose 'Guinea Pig' are You?) and,  hope what I have found will help you look into a true  natural/organic "living'style" for your own health and happiness too,  and you will find something that will help you along the way.  God Bless, Get Healthy, and Be Happy.

Patti aka: crystbear  (renown retired nic:) :/ now: rustichealthy! :)

fyi that picture (at the top:) reminds me of our german shep, we named "Bear"Big (he pulled the vet and the assistant across the table trying to hold him down once:) but gentle...and actually looks like him:)  who used to bark at the thunder, but passed on :( ("you get that thunder, blubba!":)

The fellow who has not had any experience is so dumb he doesn't know a thing can't be done, and he goes ahead and does it.
Charles F. Kettering

Please feel free to fill out the 'contact' form about your own 'get healthy' experience, any questions, suggestions..or if you're happy:)/unhappy about my site!..thank you so much and have a Healthy Happy Day!

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